August 31, 2016

New Module: Content+

Level up your app with Content+! Equipped with a bunch of exclusive features and our first-ever web-shop function, this module unlocks entirely new possibilities on the AppSpotr platform.

The latest addition on our Marketplace is the roided twin of trusty ol’ Content. Content+ builds on the concept of its lighter sibling and boosts your app with embedded sound and video, maps, tables and galleries. Supporting purchases through PayPal, this module is our first step towards integrated web-shop functionality.

Content+ is available for $1 a month on AppSpotr Marketplace.

Appy building!


  • PayPal button for web-shop purchases
  • Embedded sound from SoundCloud
  • Embedded videos from YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Vine and Bambuser
  • Swipeable image gallery
  • Tables
  • Maps

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