Create apps without coding

Appspotr lets you build mobile apps visually without writing a single line of code. Smoother than building from scratch, more flexible than your wildest imagination.
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”It was challenging at first, rewarding at second – now it’s just plain fun.”
— Digital Design Student
“It’s a Wordpress for apps.”
”Okay, you’re officially my new favorite brand.”
— Instagram Fanboy
“I’ve tried many platforms and always been bummed out by the limitations. Appspotr seems very promising in that respect.”
— Our Third User Ever
"Your app builder is much better than all those other app builders."
— Mom<3

Build, enhance and manage your app in one place

Build your app

Build your app

Control every aspect of your app’s design in our drag-and-drop view builder – from colors and images to buttons and typography. Our patchwork editor gives you just as much power over the app’s structure and functionality. Combined, the two make a killer combination with an appicness-guaranteed result.
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View Builder

View builder

Mix pre-built and customized components to create apps that are just as simple or complex as you want them to be.


Set up complex logic and navigation patterns with nested menus.

Native & PWA

Build React Native apps for iOS and Android as well as progressive web apps.
Enhance your app

Enhance your app with advanced functionality

Elevate your users’ experience with login and localization, and extend the app’s functionality to the sky and beyond with seamless integrations to other systems.
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Integrate with API

Integrate with any API

Connect your app to other systems by building custom integrations to any REST API.
User Management

User management

Utilize our log-in system to set up robust user management with different user groups.


Use one app across several markets – adapt the content in your app to match the user’s locale.
Manage your app

Manage your app

Change any content in your app in real time – yourself or with the help of appointed admins. Using push notifications makes sure your users don’t miss any important updates.
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Assign multiple admins with different roles and permissions to help manage your app.
Push Notification

Push notifications

Send instant or scheduled push notifications to all of your app’s users or selected groups.
Version controller


Work freely on any new feature or improvement to your app without publishing – update whenever you’re ready.
Preview Device

Preview on your device

Keep track of your progress and make sure everything looks on point by previewing your creation at any time. Just scan the QR code on your device to see a real-time preview of your app.

Publish without hassle

Publish your app to App Store and Google Play or as a progressive web app to a subdomain on the web. Once you’re done building your app, our cloud builder will assist you in setting up the iOS and Android binaries in a few simple steps. Our domain name service makes deploying your PWA even easier – just hit publish!
Publish Hassle

Early bird catches the sweetest deal

Sign up for Appspotr before January 1 and get a 50% discount on your dev plan for all eternity. All plans include: 14-day free trial, support, max 1 GB storage per app, terms and conditions.


/ month
/ month
1 Android publishing license 1 iOS publishing license 1 PWA publishing license 10 app projects

This is a description for the 1st monthly plan.

off for life*

App and Coming

/ month
/ month
3 Android publishing licenses 3 iOS publishing licenses 3 PWA publishing licenses 100 app projects

This is a description for monthly plan 2

off for life*

Apps for All

/ month
/ month
10 Android publishing licenses 10 iOS publishing licenses 10 PWA publishing licenses 9999 app projects

This is a description for the 3rd monthly plan

off for life*


/ month
/ month
1 Android publishing license 1 iOS publishing license 1 PWA publishing license 10 app projects

This is a description for the 1st yearly plan

off for life

App and Coming

/ month
/ month
3 Android publishing licenses 3 iOS publishing licenses 3 PWA publishing licenses 100 app projects

This is a description for the 2nd yearly plan

off for life

Apps for All

/ month
/ month
10 Android publishing licenses 10 iOS publishing licenses 10 PWA publishing licenses 9999 app projects

This is the description for the 3rd yearly plan

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

off for life
start your free trial

Start your
free trial

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Rather have someone else build your app?
Check out Appspotr Studios.